Abide in Me (Day 4) - Obedience
Abide in Me (Day 3) Connected by the Word and Prayer
Abide in Me (Day 2) Disconnected
Abide in Me (Day 1) - Our Source of Life
In John 15 Jesus uses the picture of a vine and branch to describe what it means to be in a relationship with Him. Christianity is about a personal relationship not about doing a checklist of things and not being a bad person. In John 15 Jesus is stressing the importance of this relationship using this picture we see in nature everyday.
Do this one thing to glorify God with your life
Refuge Prayer Challenge
We walk by the Spirit by changing our thoughts. So we think, so we are. We have to change what we think about throughout the day. We do this through constant prayer and scripture memorization. These are weapons of war in this battle over our sinful flesh. Romans 8 tells us the that we put our sins to death by walking by the Spirit. We walk by the Spirit by memorizing scripture and prayer. When sin lurks at the door we should quote scripture and pray.