How to Pray

Thomas Kempis says “ A man of God ought to be more at home in his prayer chamber than before the public.”

Prayer is not just something a Christian does, it is our greatest work as a Christian. When Jesus died on the cross the veil in the temple was torn from the top down. Jesus death on the cross accomplished intimate communion between our Heavenly Father and us. We think of heaven as our greatest reward for salvation. Heaven is eternal communion with God in His presence. Prayer is communion with God in His presence NOW. It is heaven on earth. It is a great privilege to be able to pray to our Heavenly Father. Let us not take that for granted.

God has a difficult time getting through to us because of our fast paced generation. We seem to have no time for contemplation. We have no time to answer God when He calls. - Tozer     

How do we get better at prayer?

Matthew 6:6 ESV But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Jesus knew that one of the greatest obstacles to prayer is distraction. It is often that we attempt to pray and find our minds wandering and distracted. We pray on the way to work, we may pray in the shower, we may pray before a meal and all of these types of prayers are great however Jesus gave us command about how to pray to ensure that we will be rewarded.

The command He gave was to go into your secret place and shut the door. All believers should have a focused time of prayer in a quiet place that is void of distractions. In this command Jesus is calling us to a personal communion with our Heavenly Father that allows us to focus on God, His word, and His will for our lives.

What is the one Jesus is telling us to do to help our prayer life?

  1. go into your secret place and shut the door and pray.

Eliminate all distractions and spend time with your Heavenly Father.

Tyson Brewster