How do we learn to Pray?

How does one learn to pray?

The same way we learn to do everything else. We learn by doing.

Luke 11:1-2 ESV [1] Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." [2] And he said to them, "When you pray, say: "Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.

The question from the disciples was “Lord teach us to pray”.

Jesus answer to the question was “When you pray”.

We learn by doing. Many times when I pray I feel inadequate and even as though my prayers are not effective. As we are learning to pray we should not be discouraged.

“We understand this of an earthly father. A child of ten is doing some little service for the father, or helping him in his work. The work of the child is very defective, and yet the cause of joy and hope to the father, because he sees in it the proof of the child's attachment and obedience, as well as the pledge of what that spirit will do for the child when his intelligence and his strength have been increased”. Andrew Murray

Just as an earthly father does not expect major league quality baseball from a child learning to play the game, our Father does not expect major league quality prayer as we are learning to pray. The earthly father is happy when we first learn to just catch an easy ball. Our Heavenly Father is also thrilled when we make small steps by praying.

It is in our effort to pray that our Heavenly Father delights in. It is our effort to be obedient that pleases Him. It is our effort in spending time speaking to our Heavenly Father that pleases Him. It is not the quality of the prayer but in the time spent in prayer that pleases Him.

“Lord Teach us to pray” - His answer is - “Then Pray”

Tyson Brewster