Refuge Family Devotional

In a group (at the table) is where we will really see the Discovery Bible Study method shine because we will get multiple perspectives. Who better to do this with than your family. Do not be intimidated because this study relies on input from everyone not just you as the leader.


What if family dinner was a time where you and your family connected with Jesus and one another on a deeper level? The hope of this guide is to help you make the most of your dinner conversations by pursuing three targets: encouraging conversation, prayer, and listening to God speak through his word. As your family shares the highs and lows of the day, keep an encouraging tone in mind, protecting the dinner table as a safe place for hard conversations. Take everything to God in prayer, thanking him and trusting him with what is shared. Lastly, as you open the word together, invite God to speak and keep a spirit of discovery before everyone. This is not a time where you need to feel pressured to teach or correct, but rather a time to discover what God has to say to each person at the table.

Invite everyone to participate:

What is something you are thankful for this week?

What is a challenge you are facing this week?

Pray, thanking God and trusting him with what has been shared, and ask him to speak as you read his Word.

Week of 2/18 - John 19:17-30 (it is finished)

Week of 2/25 - John 20:1-18 (I have seen)

Week of 3/3 - John 20:19-29 (Reach out your hand)

Week of 3/10 - John 21:1-14 (Let’s have a meal)

Week of 3/17 - John 21:15-23 (Do you love Me?)

What did God reveal to you through his Word?

  • What does this passage say about God, Jesus or His plan?

  • What does this passage tell us about ourselves?

Who is someone you would like to share this truth with?

Pray together as a family for the names mentioned and look for opportunities to share God's love.