Refuge Deacon Nomination Information

Refuge - We are going through the process of adding Deacons. Here are the requirements and process for adding deacons to our church family here at Refuge. We appreciate your time to consider nominations for this church leadership position and we believe it will help us all grow to be more like Christ as we add this important role to our church family.


  1. Qualifications - Deacons shall be male members of Refuge Lenoir City.  They shall endeavor by God’s grace to live and serve in full conformity to the standards for their particular office as found in the Word of God in I Timothy 3:8-13.

  2. The Biblical Role of the Deacons - “And the twelve summoned the congregation of the disciples and said, ‘It is not desirable for us to neglect the Word of God in order to serve tables.  But select from among you brethren, seven men of good repute, full of the spirit and of wisdom, who we may put in charge of this task’” (Acts 6:2-3).

Deacons are to serve under the direction of the Elders undertaking those areas of service necessary for the church’s functioning that would otherwise prohibit the Elders and other leaders (Pastors and Staff) from performing their Biblical responsibilities.  No specific, on-going rules are mentioned in Scripture, probably because service needs change, and so the role of the Deacon should be flexible.  (NOTE:  Perhaps this is why qualifications for Deacons are stressed rather than specific tasks.  In contrast, the function of the Elders is more stabilized, for spiritual needs are relatively constant.)

While there is actual equality between Elders, Deacons, and, in fact, all members of the body; for the purpose of order Scripture indicates that Elders, as overseers, are entrusted with the final authority within the local church.

  1. Election

  2. The criteria for adding new Deacons must always be based on the availability of qualified men, not a numerical quota system.

  3. Elections shall be held as necessary to fill vacancies created by increased membership.  When vacancies occur due to resignation, termination of membership, etc., the Elders will appoint someone to fill the vacant position if necessary or wait until increased membership requires more Deacons to be elected.  If a Deacon is appointed per the above, he must be voted on by the membership next time Deacon elections are held.

  4. Nominations will be taken by email to or through handwritten nomination placed in the offering box or handed to an elder. The serving Elders, in consultation with any active Deacons, will prepare a slate of qualified candidates that have agreed to serve based on the nominations received and an interview with the elders.  A vote of affirmation or denial on each man will be held by secret ballot two weeks following the nominations in the regular Sunday morning worship service.  A nominee need only receive a majority of the members voting.  The serving Elders shall be totally responsible for supervising the election.

  5. Pastoral Staff members will not be considered for election to the position of Deacon.