Genesis 12:1 ESV - Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.
What if God has something he wants to show you but you must leave where you are before he will reveal it to you? There are clear patterns in scripture where God gives people specific instructions and places where he wants people to go. God’s call to Abraham does not fit into that pattern. God clearly has a plan for Abraham but he says, “Go from here to a place I will show you”. God in essence is telling Abraham, I need you to take step 1 before I will show you step 2. This is a call to faith. This is a call to trust. So many times in our life we want clear steps laid out. We do this because I believe we want to choose whether we want to follow these steps or not. Abraham is considered the father of our faith. This is one of the examples why he is called that.
God says “Hey Abraham, I want you leave your country and your family (I want you to leave all that you have ever known) and when you do that I will show you where you are to go”. The amazing part is that is exactly what Abraham did.
Is God asking you to take a step before he will reveal the next step? Clearly by looking at this passage this is one of the ways that God works so we should not be surprised if this is what God asks of us.
How did Abraham respond?
Genesis 12:4 ESV - So Abram went, as the LORD had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.
Abraham simply obeyed. The Lord said to Go, Abraham went. It does not get any more simple than that. I did not say easy, I did say simple.
Are you willing to Go? Are you willing to trust? Are you willing to leave your comfort zone? Are you willing to take the 1st step without seeing the end of the journey? this is what faith is. Trust God and have faith and take that 1st step.