Discipleship Groups

Refuge Small Groups and Discipleship Groups

We offer several different discipleship opportunities. See below for a description about each group. Please go to the events page and review the calendar for specific dates as some of these groups take time off at various times.

  1. Adult Sunday Night Small Group - Sunday Nights at 6 PM - at Refuge Church in Spring and Fall - childcare is provided - contact Rodney Johnson for more information and directions Here - rodneyrefugelc@gmail.com

  2. Students Sunday Night Small Group (7th grade through 12th grade) - Sunday Nights at 6 PM - Tyson and Shelly Brewster’s house - located about 1 mile from Lenoir City High School. For more information and directions please contact Austin Miles by email here - miles5.austin@gmail.com

  3. Wednesday Night - Books of the bible verse by verse (All ages) - Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM in the Refuge Sanctuary. This group meets in the spring and fall. For more information please contact Rodney Johnson by email here - tysonrefugelc@gmail.com

  4. Womens’s Bible Study - Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM - At Refuge Church in Spring and Fall - contact anitagarmon@yahoo.com

Refuge believes strongly in getting people into groups. We have 2 types of groups. We have small groups and we have discipleship groups. A brief description of the 2 types of group are listed below.

  1. Small Groups - These are open groups of 15 people (prox) or less that meet together on a regular basis to grow together as followers of Jesus Christ. Many of these groups eat together, play games, and study God’s word together. Small groups are meant to be a stepping stone to get people into discipleship groups.

  2. Discipleship Groups - These are closed groups of 6-8 people or less that meet together on a regular basis to grow together as followers of Jesus Christ. These groups are smaller closed groups to allow accountability and deeper discipleship to take place. The goal of discipleship groups is to make disciples who make disciples. We desire that people in a discipleship group will one day be able to lead their own discipleship group of 6-8 people that will eventually divide again into even more discipleship groups.

If you are interested in joining any of these small groups or you wish to join a discipleship group, please contact our Pastor - Tyson Brewster be email at - tysonrefugelc@gmail.com