Hispanic Ministries
Creemos que la iglesia debe ser un reflejo de la comunidad que nos rodea. Nuestro dedicado pastor y anciano Valentin Chun y su esposa María organizan una serie de grupos enfocados en brindar discipulado a hispanohablantes y construir relaciones con la comunidad que nos rodea. Contacto valentinchun@gmail.com
ESL Wednesdays > 6;30 - 7:30 // comienza Aug 14
We believe that the church should be a reflection of the community around us. Our dedicated Hispanic Pastor & Elder Valentin Chun and his wife Maria host a number of groups focused on providing discipleship for Spanish speakers and building relationships with our surrounding community. Contact valentinchun@gmail.com
ESL (english as a second language) Wednesdays > 6:30 - 7:30 // Begins Aug 14