Refuge Sunday 12.12.21 - A Christmas Hope Part 1
Refuge Sunday 12.5.21 - James 3 The Power of Our Words
Refuge Sunday 11.28.21 - James 2:14-26
Refuge Sunday 11.14.21 - James 2:1-13
Refuge Sunday 11.7.21 - James 1:19-25 - Are we going through the motions
Refuge Sunday 10.31.21 - James 1:19-25 Being a Doer of the Word
Refuge Sunday 10.24.21 - James 1:12-18 - Are you losing the battle for your heart?
Refuge Sunday 10.17.21 - James 1:1-11 - The ground is level at Calvary
Refuge Sunday 10.10.21 - James 1:1-8 - Faith and Doubt
Refuge Sunday 10.3.21 - James 1:2-4 - Purpose of Trials
Refuge Sunday 9.26.21 - James 1:1 - Our identity is as a Servant.
Refuge Sunday 9.12.21
Speaker: Martin Whorley
Refuge Sunday 9.5.21 - Tyranny of the Urgent - Sin of Prayerlessness
Refuge Sunday 8.29.21 - Grace Part 4 - Extend Grace to the World
Refuge Sunday 8.22.21
Refuge Sunday 8.15.21 - Grace Part 2 - Grace is God's Love in Action
Unbelievers point to Christians and they way they live and treat people as one of the reasons they do not believe on God.
J.I. Packer - In the New Testament, grace means God’s love in action toward men who merited the opposite of love. Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save sinners who could not lift a finger to save themselves.”
Christians are called to be full of grace - we are to live lives that show people God’s love in action.